So we decided to take our sporting a bit more seriously and we registered ourselves onto Round the Taupo [] last Saturday (29/11), which is sort of non-competitive race around the biggest New Zealand lake, roughly 160km on road. There were also shorter variants on the MTB tracks, that we denied, and also longer options where you can do this circuit twice or four times, which seemed to us "a bit too much for now". At the end the quickest guy doing this category did that (640km!) for something under 24hrs, which is under 6hrs per lap!
Weather was very good, in fact maybe a bit too hot. But finally we have in relaxed tempo (although Jana may disagree with this formulation), did all the 160km in a bit ovet 7.5hrs on our MTBs but with road 1 inch tires. Considering we did not train for this event at all i think it was quite good ;)
You can see the map and some pictures below.

Tak jsme se rozhodli se zapojit vice do sportovna, a zaregistrovali jsme se na Round the Taupo [] minulou sobotu (29/11), coz je vicmene nesoutezni zavod okolo nejvetsiho Zelandskeho jezera Taupo, bratru 160km po asfaltu. Jeste existovaly kratsi varianty na horskem kole, ktere jsme ale zavrhli a potom delsi varianty, ty ale znamenaly jet to "kolecko" dvakrat nebo ctyrikrat, coz nam pripadlo pro zacatek "trochu vic nez dost". Nakonec ale nejrychlejsi muzik na te nejdelsi trati (640km!) toto ujel za necelych 24 hodin, coz je pod 6h na jedno kolo!
Pocasi nam pralo, bylo mozna az trochu moc horko. Nakonec jsme volnym tempem (i kdyz Janca by mozna s touhle formulaci moc nesouhlasila), projeli celou 160km trat za neco pres 7.5hodiny na nasich horskych kolech, ovsem se slinicnnimi 1 palcovymi plasti. Na to ze jsme na tuto akci nedelali zadny trenink to nebylo myslim vybec spatne.
Dole muzete videt mapku a nejake fotky.