We went for another road bike race this season. This time for Round the Mountain Cycle Ride [www.roundthemountain.co.nz] that goes around the Taranaki volcano on the North Island. Jana went for The big ride - Solo 175km, Michal for Enduro 275km. So together we made 450kms on bike this Saturday.
Finally Michal finished on 3rd place in Enduro and Jana on 4th place of ladies, 32nd in total. All thanks to our dedication and trusty biked (mountainbikes with 1 inch tyres), and also because lack of participants in our categories ;) but this doesn't change anything on Michal being bronze and Jana less than 10 minutes of the bronze.
Michal's time was 10h57m (including changing a tyre twice) and Jana's time 7h15m. Average speed shown by cyclocomputer was 26,2km/h and 24,6km/h (average speed excludes stops).
You can see our lovely new cyclo dresses in which we represented our home Bike clubs from Czech (SLK Semik and KPC Praha [www.kpc-praha.cz]).
Now is the time to start training for Karapoti [www.karapoti.co.nz], that's in less than 2 months from now ...

Zajeli jsme v teto sezone si na dalsi silnicni cyklozavod. Tentokrat Round the Mountain Cycle Ride (Cyklojizda okolo hory) [www.roundthemountain.co.nz] ktery vede okolo sopky Taranaki na Severnim ostrove. Jana jela The big ride (Velka jizda) - Solo 175km, Michal Enduro 275km. Takze dohromady jsme za sobotu ujeli na kole rovnych 450kms.
Nakonec Michal skoncil na 3. miste v Enduro and Jana na 4. miste v zenach, 32. celove. Vsechno diky nasemu nasazeni a spolehlivym bicyklum (horska kola s 1 palcovymi pneu), a take z duvodu relativne maleho poctu ucastniku v nasich kategoriich ;) ale to nic nemeni na tom, ze Michal dosahl bronzove pozice a Jana se k ni priblizila o mene nez 10 minut.
Michaluv cas byl 10h57m (vcetne dvoji vymeny duse) a Janin 7h15m. Prumerne rychlosti podle cyklopocitace byly 26,2km/h a 24,6km/h (prumerne rychlosti jsou bez zastavek).
Na obrazcich muzete videt nase nove fesacke dresy, ve kterych jsme reprezentovali nase domovske cyklokluby v Cesku (SLK Semik a KPC Praha [www.kpc-praha.cz]).
A ted uz je nacase zacit trenovat na Karapoti [www.karapoti.co.nz], ktere je uz za mene jak 2 mesice ...