It´s our second day here in La Paz. It´s damn high, the city is in 3,600 above the sea level, the airport over 4.000 m. La Paz is very nice city spread around deep valley. We´re not doing too much, just enjoying the city, drinking Coca Matte and getting used to the altitude. Tomorrow we´re leaving for 6 day trek, first 3 days hiking around the Huyana Potosi mountain, 1 day in the base camp and final 2 days up the mountain and down. That´s all for now ....

Tak uz jsme druhy den v La Paz. Je to docela vysoko (centrum mesta 3.600 m.n.m., letiste neco pres 4.000). Je to tu docela hezke mestecko v takovem doliku. Nic moc tu nedelame, davame jsme si caj z koky a zvykame si na vysku. Zitra rano vyrazime na 6 denni trek, nejdriv 3 dny pochod kolem hory Huyana Potosi, a pak 1 den v zakladnim tabore a 2 dny nahoru a dolu. Zpatky v La Paz bychom meli byt v nedeli vecer mistniho casu. Tak prozatim ahoj.
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