There are many places to see seals in New Zealand. One of them is very close to Wellington, near to Wainui beach. I think we go there every year, especially if we have friends over and only short walk is expected. There was NO WIND - very unusual - and the view was stunning - sea as far as you can see and South Island in the distance. And of course plenty of seals and sheep.
The rest of the afternoon we spent by cooking (roasted pork, cabbage and potato dumplings) and baking cake for Lukas's belated celebration. We ate too much and laughed a lot - especially with party crackers which made lot of noise, smell and mess!

Na Zelandu je spousta mist, kde se da jit na tulene. Jedno takove je hned kousek od Wellingtonu a minimalne jednou rocne tam skoncime. Hlavne kdyz mame navstevy a kratsi vychazky jsou preferovany. Vyjimecne nefoukalo a vyhledy byly nadherne. Siroko daleko jen more a v dalce Jizni ostrov - teda jeste tuleni a ovce vsude okolo.
Zbytek odpoledne jsme stravili varenim s Ritou a ostatnima tajtrlikama. Vepro knedlo zelo bylo vynikajici a kavovy dort taky usel. Hrozne jsme se prejedli a nasmali. Lukasovi opozdene narozeniny se myslim celkem povedly.
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