The final trip in Bolivia was to Isla del Sol. According to mythology that is the place where the sun was born. It´s a beautiful little island with pre-inca ruins where tourists go for a day trip or some of them opt to stay overnight as we did. From the last city on Bolivian side of the Lake Titicaca, called Copacabana, the island is about two and half hours by little slow ferry.
First afternoon we just walked around and watched stunning sunset from the restaurant on the ridge. I have to say there was great food too - trout - and the wine was even better! I think we ate trout problably five times in two days there, always prepared in different ways - yummy!
Second day we watched sunrise from our bed and seeing how sun was rising up behind the mountains was almost as good as the sunset. Have a look at some photos and decide...
The whole island is not big, you can cross it probably in four hours from South to North or via versa. There were two routes, one along the coast (can you call it coast if it´s a lake?) and second on the top. You can guess which one we took... The ruins on the north were impressive, especially as it was our first real encounter with pre-inca architecture. I still wonder how they could build such impresive buildings, so complex and remote.
Otherwise there is no running water in the island and terrain is very hilly so locals have to carry water all way up (most of them live towards the top of the island) and due to lively tourism it seems each house has either lodge, restaurant of both. Unfortunately most of those are empty and having visitors from time to time only. Bolivia is not as touristy as their neighbour, Peru. Bolivia was great and we truly love it.

Posledni vylet v Bolivii byl na Isla del Sol, neboli Ostrov, kde se narodilo slunce.
Je to nadherny ostrov s predinkovskyma ruinama, kam turiste jezdi bud na celodenni vylet nebo zustanou pres noc, stejne jako jsme to udelali i my. Ostrov je vzdaleny priblizne 2,5 hodiny velmi pomalou lodi z Copacabany, coz je posledni mesto na bolivijske strane jezera Titicaca.
Prvni odpoledne jsme jen tak trajdali po ostrove a nakonce pozorovali fantasticky zapad z restaurace na hrebeni. Musim dodat ze ne jen zapad slunce byl bajecny, ale ani jidlo nemelo chybu. A k tomu jeste vynikajici vino. Za ty dva dny jsme meli pstruha tak 5x - a vzdycky pripraveneho jinym zpusobem.
Druhy den jsme pozorovali vychod slunce z postele a jak zacalo vykukovat zpoza hor, nevim co bylo lepsi, jestli vychod nebo zapad. Kouknete na fotky a rozhodnete sami.
Ostrov sam o sobe neni velky, da se prejit behem ctyr hodin - bud se chodi z jihu na sever (to jsme sli my) anebo obracene, coz delaji nekteri turisti (vysadi se lodi rano na severu a odpoledne naskoci do lodi na jihu). Vedou tam dve pesiny, jedna hned okolo brehu, druha po hrebanu. Asi uhadnete, kterou jsme sli my... Ruiny byly obdivuhodne, asi hlavne proto, ze to bylo nase prvni skutecne setkani s predinkovskou architekturou. Porad mi nejde do hlavy, jak to dokazali v te dobe vubec postavit a ze to jeste vsechno drzi pohromade. Vzdyt to pochazi nekdy z 15. stoleti...
Jinak na ostrove neni tekouci voda a cely ostrov je hodne clenity. Mistni musi tahat vodu do kopce a reknu vam, jenom tam slapat, clovek se celkem zadycha - je to pres 3.600 metru nad morem. Taky se zda, ze kazda domacnost ma bud restauraci, ubytovani nebo oboji. Bohuzel vetsina z nich zeje prazdnotou a ma navstevniky jednou za cas.
Bolivie neni tak turisticka jako jeji soused Peru. V Bolivii se nam moc libilo a nechtelo se nam ji opoustet.
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