So we are in Cusco area now. We have arrived 2 days ago early in the morning. After organizing accomodation we got onto afternoon round-the-city trip and bought Sacred Valley [] trip for next day, all together of course together with "Boleto Turistico" (the turistic ticket of the Cusco for s/130) that covers entry to most of the the attractions around the city.
For following 4 days we have booked Jungle tour to Machu Piccu, that we have started just today. After a bit late start (each part of the group was said different excuse) and 3.5hrs in the car we have started cycling day and have descended something between 2.500-3.000m (altitude information vary in maps) on bikes on the dusty local road. Tomorrow we are supposed to walk for most of the day on the commercial Inca Trail with stop in thermal pools, and next day another walk to village Aqua Caliente, just below the Machu Piccu. On Friday morning we will start really early the way to the entrance to Machu Piccu ... but more in the next post.

Tak uz jsme v oblasti Cusco. Prijeli jsme brzo rano predevcirem. Po zarizeni ubytovani jsme odpoledne vyrazili na turu po mestskych pamatkach a na dalsi den jsme si koupili turu do Sacred Valley [](Posvaten udoli), samozdrejme s potrebnym "Boleto Turistico" (turisticky listek mesta Cusco za s/130) ktery plani na vstup do vetsiny pamatek v okoli mesta.
Na nasledujici 4 dny jsme si koupili turu pres Dzungli na Machu Piccu, a tu jsme zacali dnes rano. Po opozdenem startu (kazda cast skupiny slysela jinou vymluvu) a 3.5h v aute jsme zacali cyklisticky den a sjeli jsme po mistni prasne silnici o nejakych 2.500-3.000m dolu (vyskove informace jsou se v mistnich mapach lisi). Zitra bychom meli jit vetsinu dne po casti komercniho Inka Trailu se zastavkou v termalnich bazenech, a den na to uz bychom meli dojit do vesnice Aqua Caliente, prave pod Machu Piccu. V patek brzo rano vyjdeme ke vstupu na Machu Piccu ... ale o tom se doctete az v dalsim zapisu.
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