Finally last friday we have booked the boat Cachalote [] for 8-days sailing around the Galapagos. The boat looks great and the sailing covers most of islands here. But the problem is that the boat trip starts next Wednesday - what we are going to go before that? And also we had to move our flight from here to Equador, so finally instead of 1 full day in Quito, we will have just about 4hr on the airport.
We thought about some side trips to islands around but finally we decided for diving. As Jana didn´t had any diving qualification it sounded best for her to do PADI course and because I´ve not diven since my CMAS exams years ago I also needed an ´refresher´.
Now we are at the stage that Jana has her 4 dives and is now doing the theoretical exam, and I have 6 dives in last 3 days. If all goes well we have 2 more dives tomorrow on place called Gordon Rocks - probably the best diving spot here, and day after early morning the sailing starts....

Tak nakonec jsme si minuly patek zamluvili lod Cachalote [] na 8-denni plavbu po Galapagach. Lod vypada docela hezky a plavba zahrnuje vetsinu mistnich ostrovu. Ale problem je ze plavba zacina az dalsi stredu a co tedy vymyslet mezi tim? A take jsme museli posunout o let odsud do Ekvadoru, takze nakonec misto dne v Quito se tam zdrzime asi jen 4 hodiny na letisti.
Premysleli jsme ze bysme si udelali nejake vylety na okolni ostrovy, ale nakonec zvitezilo potapeni. Protoze Jana nemela zadnou potapecskou kvalifikaci, pro ni nam vyslo nejlepsi kdyz si tu primo udela PADI kurz a protoze ja jsem se nepotapel prakticky od mych CMAS zkousek, taky jsem to potreboval trosku osvezit. Ted prave ma Jana za sebou uz 4 ponory a prave sedi na teoretickych zkouskach a ja mam 6 ponoru v poslednich 3 dnech. Pokud vsechno vyjde, tak zitra mame spolecne 2 posledni ponory na miste Gordon Rocks (Gordonovy skaly) - pravdepodobne nejlepsi potapeci misto tady, no a dalsi den uz nam zacina plavba ....
Spotted Eagle Ray|Teckovany Rejnok orli
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