When we were leaving Huaraz after treking we hoped to get to Equador in two to three days, we were quite lucky.
Although we had some problems with agency getting us wrong tickets in the first instance (to Lima instead), this was finally resolved and at 9:15pm we left Huaraz to arrive to Truchillo at 7am in the morning. We got a taxi to the other end of the city where more bus companies are and at 10:30am we were sitting in next bus north to Piura to be there at just about 5pm. What was our surprise when across the road from when we arrived to Piura was another company with bus leaving to Guayaquil at 6:30pm. So we arrived to the biggest Equador city in early mornign just to find out the airport is next to the bus station. We checked tickets availiblity and after some time we held tickets for 11:15am flight to the Galapagos. And finally when checking-in the guy offered us to get onto earlier flight so we finally left on the plane at 9:15am, to arrive to Galapagos (Isla Baltra) just before 10am (there is 1hr time shift from Equador) yesterday.
Yesterday we started to look at some boats for cruise around islands. We almost got one starting today but finally the price we got offered was not for the cabin but for a person and this was a bit too expensive. But we have another at least two options at the moment so the goal for today is to get one confirmed and plan the rest of stay, diving, maybe some kayaking and we will see ....

Kdyz jsme po trekovani opousteli Huaraz, doufali jsme se dostat do Ekvadoru behem 2-3dni, ale meli jsme docela stesti.
Prestoze jsme meli problem s agenturou ktera nam spatne zaridila jizdnenky na autobus (do Limy jsme opravdu nechteli), nakonec se vsechno vyresilo a v 9:15pm jsme opustili Huaraz abysme prijeli do mesta Truchillo v 7am rano. Presunuli jsme se do opacne casti mesta kde je vetsina autobusovych spolecnosti a v 10:30am jsme byli v dalsim autobuse na sever do mesta Piura kam jsme prijeli v 5pm. Jake bylo nase prekvapeni kdyz naproti od mista kam jsme prijeli byla jina spolecnost, ktera mela autobus do mesta Guayaquil odjizdejici 6:30pm. A tak jsme se dostali druhy den brzo rano do nejvetsiho mesta Ekvadoru a zjistili ze letiste je hned nedaleko autobusoveho nadrazi. Zasli jsme zjistit jak je to s letenkami a za chvili jsme drzeli v ruce listky na let 11:15am na Galapagy. No a konecne kdyz jsme se odbavovali na let, muzik nam nabidl drivejsi let a nakonec jsme odleteli letem 9:15am, abychom prileteli na Galapagy (Isla Baltra) vcera neco pred 10am (je tu 1-hodinovy posun oproti Ekvadoru).
Tak jsme vcera zacali hledat nejake lode na plavbu po ostrovech. Malem jsme jednu meli uz na dnesek, ale nakonec agentura zjistila ze cena nabizena za kajutu byla nakonec cena za osobu, tak jsme to odmitli protoze to bylo nad nad nase finanacni predstavy. Ale mame nejake dalsi alternativy tak snad dnes uz dostaneme nejakou potverzenou a zacneme si planovat zbytek pobytu, potapeni, mozna nejake kajakovani, to se jeste uvidi ...
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