Yay, We have finished the bathroom "project"! Due nice weather recently this took us a bit longer than expected, but because the motivation of having the celebration of Jana's birthday on Sunday, on late Saturday night after the Dragon Boating races the bathroom was done. Of course it still needs some bits and pieces here but those are quite minor and mainly the bathroom is operational. When are we going to take the first bath?!?

Hura, tak jsme dokoncili koupelnovy "projekt"! Kvuli hezkemu pocasi nam to trvalo o neco dele nez jsme si mysleli, ale diky motivaci, kterou byla nedelni oslava Janinych narozenin, jsme v sobotu v pozdni noci (pote co jsme pres den byli na zavodech dracivh lodi) koupelnu dokonocili. Samozdrejme jeste chybi nejake ty drobnosti, ale ty jsou vicemeene minimalni a koupelna je plne pouzitalne. Kdy si asi dame prvni vanu?

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