- What is this about ?
This is not our idea, in fact Michal has overheard it at some presentation and started to implement it at home, as many similar "projects", that appear here and there from nowhere and that instantly gain the highest priority and other things stay in behind ;)
However the pricip is very simple: We have a photo frame in our living room (made of old LCD monitor), that really looks almost like a picture. And because we don't want to have there our photos (only) but photos related to our friends and relatives, you cam determine what's going to show there - you can send us a new photo and withing short time (up to 10 minutes if the computer at home is switched on) this photo will be shown both in the photo frame as well as it's small version on Internet. It will stay there for defined time, actually 2 weeks from processing (I think).
How to send a picture then? It's simple - send an email to address and anywhere into the message body enter the keyword "uuphoto" or "uufoto" (either of them) and the fist attached file (image) will be processed. Don't send more than one image as only the 1st one will be used. If you also want to add text message please put the text into the Subject field. And please be aware, both your email and the message will be shown so please send us only images you would consider putting in your living room. Besides of that, we reserve the right to remove any image that seems inappropriate to us. - Co je tohle zac ?
Toto neni nase idea, po pravde receno ji Michal zaslechl na prednasce iniciativne se toho chopil a rozhodl se to doma naistalovat, jako hodne jinych a podobnych "projektu" ktere se najednou objevi odnikud a ziskaji tak vysokou prioritu, ze jine veci zustavaji chvili stranou.
Princip je jednoduchy: Mame doma v obyvacim pokoji fotoramecek (udelany ze stareho LCD monitoru), ktery vypada skoro jako obrazek. A protoze tam nechceme jenom a jenom svoje fotky a chceme ty fotky vazat spis na svoje kamarady, rodinu a zname, tak obrazky ktere se tam objevuji muze poslat uplne kdokoliv a behem chvile (10 minut pokud je nas pocitac doma prave zaply) se objevi jak u nas doma v ramecku tak ve zmensene verzi na teto webove strance a zustanout tam po predem nastavenou dobu, aktualne 2 tydny.
Jak nam poslat fotku na ramecek? Jednoduse poslete mail s prilohou na adresu a do textu dopisu napiste klicove slovo "uuphoto" nebo "uufoto" (funguje kterekoliv z nich) a prvni prilozeny soubor (obrazek) bude zpracovan. Neposilejte vice souboru protoze se zpracuje opravdu jen ten prvni. Pokud chcete prilozit nejakou zpravu, napiste ji hdo hlavicky (Subject) zpravy. Jenom upozornujeme ze jak text zpravy tak vas email budou zverejneny, tak prosim posilejte jenom to co byste si dovolili sami povesit doma na zed. A mimo to si vyhrazujeme pravo nevhodne obrazky smazat.

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